Welcome to chicago city directories

This is a website for the online Chicago history community to come together and build a searchable database of historical Chicago city directory data, including a street-naming and numbering historical dataset.
This site is currently in preview status and the interface is subject to change. Please provide any comments/feedback to tew@introvert.net or @tewhalen on twitter.
Recently edited streets:
- Oct 20 | Alaska St (→ Weed St)
- Oct 20 | E 29th Pl (current)
- Oct 20 | Anna St (→ 29th Pl)
- Oct 20 | Ashley St (→ Race Ave)
- Oct 20 | Avon Pl (→ Tilden St)
- Oct 20 | N Michigan Ave (current)
- Oct 20 | Tower Court Pl (→ Michigan Ave)
- Oct 20 | N Ada St (current)
- Oct 20 | Walker Ct (→ Ada St)
- Oct 20 | Wellington Ct (→ University Ave)