Blue Island Ave
2400W | from ___ to ___

Appears in
Might appear within
- Rascher's Atlas of the Town of Lake v1 (1891)
- Sanborn 1896 v. 12
- Sanborn 1896 v. B
- Sanborn 1896 v. 11
- Sanborn 1910 v. D
- Sanborn 1912 v. 4
- Sanborn 1914 v. 8
- Sanborn 1916 v. 6
- Sanborn 1917 v. 7
- Sanborn 1919 v. 22
- Sanborn 1920 v. 24
- Sanborn 1920 v. 23
- Sanborn 1922 v. 11
- Sanborn 1936 v. 35
- Sanborn 1950 v. 49
Data Issues
- unconfirmed
- no end date
- no start date
- missing min/max addresses
Similarly named streets
- S Blue Island Ave
- Blue Island Rd (→ 127th St)
- Blue Island Rd (→ Vermont St)
Aligned Streets
- Ridge Ave (retired)
- Western Ave (retired)
- N Western Ave
- N Western Ave OP
- S Western Ave
- S Western Blvd
- Whiskey Point Rd (→ Grand Ave)
- Wood Ave (retired)
Source Notes
- CHS "Chicago Streets" Document:
«-Blue Island Ave., Plank Rd. 2200 to 3100S 5500 to 11900S Western Ave.»
Edit History
2022-04-24 | tew | added successor S Western Ave (WESTERN_03)
import | tew | imported from CHS "Street Names" document