Davidson ?
1400S | from ___ to ___

Appears in
Might appear within
Data Issues
- unconfirmed
- no end date
- no start date
- missing min/max addresses
Aligned Streets
- E 14th St
- W 14th St
- Douglas Blvd (retired)
- W Douglas Blvd
- W Douglas Dr
- Halleck St (→ 14th St)
- Henry St (→ 14th Pl)
- W University Ln
- Wright St (→ 14th Pl)
Source Notes
- CHS "Chicago Streets" Document:
«-Davidson ?., 14th St.»
- A. T. Andreas, History of Chicago (1884), v.1, p.195.:
«Davidson (after Dr. Alfred W. Davidson), now West Fourteenth»
Edit History
2022-04-23 | tew | {'text': ['* CHS "Chicago Streets" Document:\r\n> «-Davidson ?., 14th St.»\r\n* A. T. Andreas, _History of Chicago_ (1884), v.1, p.195.:\r\n> «Davidson (after Dr. Alfred W. Davidson), now West Fourteenth»\r\n'], 'tags': [['named after person']]}
2022-04-20 | tew | {'text': ['* CHS "Chicago Streets" Document:\r\n> «-Davidson ?., 14th St.»'], 'tags': [[]]}
import | tew | imported from CHS "Street Names" document