Elmwood Ave
6434W | from ___ to ___

Might appear within
Data Issues
- unconfirmed
- no end date
- no start date
- missing min/max addresses
Similarly named streets
- Elmwood Ave (retired)
- Elmwood Ct (→ Elmwood Ave)
- Elmwood Pl (retired)
Aligned Streets
- 64th Ave (retired)
- 64th Ct (retired)
- Grand View Ter (retired)
- Grove St (retired)
- N Natchez Ave
- S Natchez Ave
- Ridgeland Ave (retired)
Source Notes
- CHS "Chicago Streets" Document:
«-Elmwood Ave., Natchez Ave. 6434W 5450 to 5599N.»
Edit History
import | tew | imported from CHS "Street Names" document